The Aristotelian Perspective in Otakar Zich’s The Aesthetics of Dramatic Art



Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Theatralia: revue současného myšlení o divadelní kultuře
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Otakar Zich (1879-1934); Aristotle; aesthetics and theatre; theory of dramaturgy; theatrology
Description In parallel with the Prague School, Otakar Zich’s The Aesthetics of Dramatic Art (1931, 1986)shows notable methodological affinity with Aristotle’s treatment of the art of drama, item (1) systematic and analytical approach to the theatre; (2) mimetic theory of drama; (3) hylomorphic explanation of the ‘actor-figure’; (4) active role of a viewer in forming mental images; (5) analysis of dramatic relations and the whole of fictional action.
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