Syllabic nasals in Czech. In Bichlmeier, H. - Šefčík, O. - Sukač, R. (eds.), Etymologus, 59-71



Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords phonology; phonotactics; syllable; loanwords; nasals; liquids
Description The paper deals with syllabic nasals in Modern Czech contrasting them to the other syl-labic consonants the language has, namely the liquids [r] and [l]. Two such nasals occur, the bilabial nasal [m] and the alveolar nasal [n]. They are found mostly in borrowings from German and English. Having identified 118 lexical items with syllabic nasals, the author discusses the phonotactics, origin and variation of these segments. It is shown that the nasals are syllabic in slightly different contexts than the liquids.
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