Pedagogický rozvoj vysokoškolských učitelů

Title in English Pedagogical development of university teachers


Year of publication 2020
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description In this paper, I present how university teachers perceive and evaluate their pedagogical development. Research is based on the analysis of 9 in-depth interviews with teachers from the Masaryk University who participated in an educational program aimed at increasing pedagogical competencies. Respondents point out the insufficient possibilities of education to improve pedagogical competencies and identify areas in which they would like to expand. In the program, teachers value cooperation with mentors, whom they have chosen from among their colleagues, higher than any other intensive full-time course. The cooperation of participants and mentors seems to be a unique opportunity to focus on the development of teachers’ pedagogical competencies. This research has thus made it possible to uncover another area of research, which is cooperation between university teachers and mentors.
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