Passivi di movimento e movimenti del passivo. Il caso di andare + participio passato

Title in English Passives of movement and movements of the passive. The case of 'andare' + past partciple


Year of publication 2006
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

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Description The article explores the origin and uses of the passive "andare + past participle" in ancient Italian. There is a widespread reluctance to include andare in the list of passive auxiliaries, for reasons of both semantic and syntactic order: the degree of desemanticisation of the verb is low and the absence of the agent in the construct in which it is used is systematic. However, assuming that categorial membership is determined, not by the presence vs. absence of single necessary and sufficient features, but by the greater or lesser degree to which linguistic entities share bundles of properties, the phenomenon lends itself to a more multifaceted reading.

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