Il verbo vuliri in siciliano antico tra volizione e modalità

Title in English The verb vuliri in ancient Sicilian between volition and modality


Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Bollettino del Centro di Studi filologici e linguistici siciliani
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Volition; Modals; Sicilian; Grammaticalisation
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Description Modal verbs are not a new topic in the studies of Central-Southern vernaculars, including Sicilian. However, a systematic mapping of the functions of 'vuliri' in ancient Sicilian has never been proposed and inevitably requires a corpus size that has not been fully accessible until now. The recent quantitative and qualitative expansion of the Corpus ARTESIA, on the other hand, allows us to draw a fairly faithful picture of the network of meanings associated with the verb of volition, at the chronological level of the scripta of the XIV-XVI centuries, and to deepen in this way some aspects not fully investigated in the reference literature. In particular, the article analyzes the path from the semantics of volition to meanings related to the deontic modality and directivity, as well as some uses that can be placed in the discursive dimension.

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