Jana Nosková (ed.): „Proč to vyprávím?“ První polovina 20. století v písemných vzpomínkách německých obyvatel Brna /„Warum erzähle ich das?“. Die erste Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts in schriftlichen Erinnerungen deutscher Bewohner Brünns

Title in English "Why Am I Narrating That?" The First Half of the 20th Century in Written Recollections of the Ethnic German Ihibitants of Brno


Year of publication 2020
Type Review
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The Review of the Commented Edition of the Written Recollections of the German Inhabitants of Brno. The part of Book presents also the comprehensive study. which is dealing with the theoretical and practical questions of the interpretations of the presented sort of the historical sources.
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