Taller: Enseñanza de ELE

Title in English Workshop: Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language


Year of publication 2020
Type Workshop
Citation ALCHAZIDU, Athena and Milada MALÁ. Taller: Enseñanza de ELE (Workshop: Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language). 2020.
Description The workshop is divided into several parts, which are further structured in connection with the presented thematic areas. It aims to confront various methodological approaches used in the teaching of foreign languages, especially Spanish, and to encourage participants to reflect and discuss the (dis)advanteges of each one of them. At the same time,attention is paid to specific examples of different types of activities divided according to teaching goals, in order to make participants point out their practical use in teaching. Another no less important goal is to offer inspiring ideas that will not only diversify participants´ own teaching, but also allow them to get the most out of ordinary learning activities. Attention will also be paid to topics related to the use of modern technologies in language teaching, thanks to which it is possible to engage and further motivate students

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