Próza "Pan učitel" Boženy Němcové mezi texty, intertexty a kontexty

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Title in English Prose Božena Němcová's "Mr. Teacher" between texts, intertexts and contexts


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Tradicí stvořená
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Božena Němcová; Album der Erinnerungen; František Mošner; F. A. Liebelt; images from life
Description The study deals with Czech and foreign language intertextual connections of prose - an image from the life of B. Němcová. The prose is compared with the didactic work of F. Mošner (The Fist) and the prose of the unknown German novelist F. A. Liebelt, published in the almanac Album der Erinnerungen.
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