Zázraky imaginace : tvary a vzory liturgických oděvů v dějinách

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Title in English Miracles of the imagination : shapes and patterns of liturgical vestments in history

SVOBODA František

Year of publication 2020
Type Popularization text
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Citation SVOBODA, František. Zázraky imaginace : tvary a vzory liturgických oděvů v dějinách (Miracles of the imagination : shapes and patterns of liturgical vestments in history). TIC Brno, 2020.
Description "Beauty is a great need for man, the root of peace and hope: he reveals God to us," Pope Benedict XVI said during a visit to Barcelona. For centuries, the need for beauty has been reflected in the individual details of the liturgy. The lecture will be devoted to liturgical garments and their patterns over time. Liturgical textiles often preserved patterns from the weaving workshops of Italy and France, which disappeared in the secular sphere - despite the then large production. The lecture will present examples of patterns from the parishes of the Brno diocese.
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