Raisa Kuzněcovová a poznávání národní literatury: pohled z jiného úhlu a v širších souvislostech

Title in English Raisa Kuznetsova and the Grasp of National Literature: a View from the Opposite Side – and in a Wider Context


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Stephanos
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web http://www.stephanos.ru/izd/2020/2020-41-3.pdf
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.24249/2309-9917-2020-41-3-34-40
Keywords Raisa Kuznetsova; Czech-Russian relations; Czech interwar literature; Czech novel; Czech novel-epopee
Attached files
Description The author of the present reflection on Raisa Kuznetsova’s (1920-2001) creative work describes a wider context of the mutual relations between domestic and foreign philology, above all, on the contacts between Czech and Russian literatures appreciating the views of foreign specialists in Czech studies of Czech literature which contributed to a more profound penetration into the undercurrents, half-hidden (for the domestic research) qualities of the given national literature. In case of Raisa Kuznetsova he expresses his respect for her orientation on the novel in general, the epic novel (Roman-Epopäe) in particular and on the interwar literature which represents the miraculous Golden Age of Czech literature.

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