Príbuzenská terminológia pre označení vyšších generácií v západoslovanských a južnoslovanských jazykoch

Title in English Kinship Terminology for Upper Generations in Western and Southern Slavonic Languages


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Mladá slavistika V : Slavistická badatelská dílna
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Citation DEMELOVÁ, Jana. Príbuzenská terminológia pre označení vyšších generácií v západoslovanských a južnoslovanských jazykoch (Kinship Terminology for Upper Generations in Western and Southern Slavonic Languages). In Michálek, Z., Odehnalová, L., Šaur, J. Mladá slavistika V : Slavistická badatelská dílna. 1. vydání. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2020, p. 7-19. ISBN 978-80-210-9703-2.
Keywords slavic kinship; kinship terminology; corpus linguistics; lexicology; affinity; consanguinity; kinship systems
Description This paper is discussing kinship terminology of Southern and Western Slavonic languages in generations above ego (+1 and above). Based on secondary literature and dictionaries, a set of possible terms was prepared, that was then checked against national corpora of these languages. As a result, we can determine which terms are in use, which are dominant, and (based on data from earlier periods) even draw possible future development. Several interesting outcomes from the research are summed up at the end of this paper, such as tendency towards acceptance of foreign terminology (or patterns of formation) and tendency towards simplification of certain parts of this terminology. As we found out, languages in question have different attitudes to preserving the Proto-Slavonic terminology and are prone to foreign influences on different levels. Some of them even developed in unexpected ways (f. e. towards analytical lexicology).
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