Analysing errors in English learners´ spoken corpus : Insights from a pilot study



Year of publication 2020
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description In recent years, many studies have reported on particular characteristics of written and spoken learner language but only a few have focused on error analysis, which seems to represent an under-researched area in the Czech Republic. This presentation will report on the findings of a pilot study of grammatical errors in the speech of university learners of English. First, an overview of current learner corpus studies will be presented, while paying special attention to their methodological aspects (particularly the strategies used by researchers when compiling spoken learner corpora and means of analysing learner errors based on the review of research published between 2010 and 2019). Then, the paper will introduce analysis of errors in speech produced by 5 university learners of English elicited during 15-minute interviews in October 2019. The aim of the pilot study was to examine and verify the suitability of the procedures of data collection (i.e. suitability of the selected tasks, time-consumption of the instructions and tasks, the kind of feedback the tasks elicit, etc.) and analysis (e.g. the selected transcription system and error taxonomy, various analytical techniques when analysing data, etc.). The outcomes of the pilot study will be presented and discussed mainly in relation to the application of selected methodological aspects currently used in LCR in the pilot study. Relatedly, selected outcomes of the analyses will be presented as well as suggestions concerning possible improvements during corpus compilation and error analysis.
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