Potřebujeme tzv. kategorie diplomatického materiálu?

Title in English Do we need so called Categories of Diplomatic Documents?


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Slovenská archivistika
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web https://www.minv.sk/swift_data/source/verejna_sprava/odbor_archivov_a_registratur/archivnictvo/slovenska_archivistika/Slovenska%20archivistika_1-2020.pdf
Keywords Diplomatics; categories of diplomatic documents; writings
Description The paper deals with the problem of categorising diplomatic documents.It draws attention to the two division criteria within one system and also to the different number of categories in the conception of various diplomats, as well as to other ways of dividing documents, esp. in Austria and Germany.The category systematics was originally constructed to describe medieval diplomatic documents, howewer its application to the modern times´ writings causes difficulties and terminological ambigiutis. The autor suggests new method of distribution - the assessment of documents according to two levels: distinguishing the layout of documents and their legal content.
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