Relaxing unimodularity for Yang-Baxter deformed strings

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HRONEK Stanislav WULFF Jörgen Linus

Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of High Energy Physics
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords Bosonic Strings; Conformal Field Models in String Theory; String Duality
Description We consider so-called Yang-Baxter deformations of bosonic string sigma- models, based on an R-matrix solving the (modified) classical Yang-Baxter equation. It is known that a unimodularity condition on R is sufficient for Weyl invariance at least to two loops (first order in alpha (')). Here we ask what the necessary condition is. We find that in cases where the matrix (G + B)(mn), constructed from the metric and B-field of the undeformed background, is degenerate the unimodularity condition arising at one loop can be replaced by weaker conditions. We further show that for non-unimodular deformations satisfying the one-loop conditions the Weyl invariance extends at least to two loops (first order in alpha (')). The calculations are simplified by working in an O(D, D)-covariant doubled formulation.
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