Ontologický a sémantický status díla : impulzy literární vědy k promýšlení standardní knihovnické ontologie

Title in English Ontological and semantic status of a work : impulses of literary science to reflect on a standard library ontology


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Knihovna: knihovnická revue
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web https://knihovnarevue.nkp.cz/archiv/dokumenty/2020-2/stodola.pdf
Keywords FRBR; library ontology; work; entities 1 and 2 and 3; sign; aesthetic object; artefact; ontological status of the work; aboutness of the work; current world; fictional worlds; literary science; structuralism; semantics of fictional worlds
Description The article is a theoretical reflection of the key entity of the FRBR library ontology, the work entity. The knowledge of literary science, especially Czech structuralism and semantics of fictional worlds, is used in the reflection. First, the work is defined and analyzed through structuralist semiotics. The work is identified with the term aesthetic object and expression with the term artefact. Other entities (manifestation and item) are included in the sign structure, which consists of entities of type 1. The work is distinguished as intellectual and as artistic content through the difference between cognitive and aesthetic function. Using the communication model, the ontological status of the work is determined – it is stated that the work is subjectively in the minds of the author and read ers and objectively as an objective conceptual structure identical to the object to which the work refers. These objects are found either in the current (for intellectual content) or in the fictional world (for artistic content). For librarianship, fictional worlds, with which it has not yet been able to work adequately, represent a problem and challenge. Some models of fictional worlds are compared with the library ontology, which is the ontology of the actual world. It is stated that the models of the actual world and fictional worlds do not differ significantly, but it is especially important to take into account their ontological status. Library science should be able to model not only the current world, but also fictional worlds.
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