Breptavost? Překážka i příležitost! - kazuistika


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Title in English Cluttering? Barrier or Opportunity! - Case Report


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Listy klinické logopedie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords cluttering; tumultus sermonis; fluency; tempo; speech and language therapy; structuring
Description The theme of the paper is the issue of fluency disorders, mediating the approach to a girl with cluttering. Cluttering, as a central speech disorder, can affect the entire personality of a person and his/her surroundings. Cluttering affects communication pathways, thus becoming a barrier to interpersonal interaction, and at the same time is an opportunity to explore support possibilities. The text offers the concept of Speech and Language Therapy in a girl of early school age, with regard to the analysis of semantic, syntactic and phonetic expressions. The paper illustrates the focus of the therapeutic process on the area of respiration, concentration of attention, structuring of speech and text work. Following identifiable difficulties, the case report captures the importance of cooperation with the girl and her mother.
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