Distribúcia keramiky typu bucchero medzi Etruriou Settentrionale a Etruriou Padanou s dôrazom na strategické lokality v oblastiach na hornom toku rieky Tiber

Title in English Distribution of bucchero ceramics between Etruria Settentrionale and Etruria Padana with emphasis on strategic locations in the Upper Tiber valley areas

RAŠLOVÁ Kristína

Year of publication 2021
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Bucchero pottery is one of the most crucial trade objects in the Etruscan world. Bucchero, as a type of production technology, has spread at various levels, and therefore, it is possible to follow the style and form in its production and distribution system. The determination of the Etruscan road distribution network is not possible unambiguously. It is a consequence of the absence of primary written sources and the Roman expansion construction of the road network, which often corresponded to the Etruscan ones. The paper deals with possible bucchero distribution network between Etruria Settentrionale and Etruria Padana with an emphasis on strategic sites in the upper Tiber valley and partly in the Mugello area, Casentino valley, and Florence.
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