O někotorych predposylkach načala Pervoj čeremisskoj vojny na Arskoj zemlje

Title in English About some circumstances of the beginning of the First Cheremis war on Arsk lands

VYSLOUŽILOVÁ Dagmar KALUGIN Ivan Alexandrovič

Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Jevropa v Srednije veka i Novoje vremja: Obščestvo. Vlast'. Kul'tura. VIII Vserossijskaja s meždunarodnym učastijem naučnaja konferencija molodych učenych. 24. - 25. 11. 2020, Iževsk.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Arsk lands; Arsk people; Udmurts; First Cheremis war; Capture of Kazan
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Description The turning moments of the 16th century, changing the fate and history of the Volga region did not end with the capture of Kazan in the first days of October 1552. Our article is devoted to the trail of events that took place between the solemn tsarist entry into the capital of the Khanate and the beginning of the First Cheremis War. In this period, a kind of historical intermezzo, the people of Arsk struck up a conversation with Ivan the Terrible, both sides presented their terms of the peace treaty. It is in this period where we can look for the key prerequisites for the future conflict: 1) the prolonged presence of the tsarist troops on the Arsk land; 2) the role of the governor Alexander Gorbaty-Shuisky, who in September 1552 led the punitive army to the Arsk lands, devastated it and after that became the first governor in Kazan collecting yasak from the people of Arsk and 3) the hasty withdrawal of the tsarist army. This article draws attention to a significant prelude to the First Cheremis War and explores the role of the Arsk side, which is inferior to the Meadow and Hill side in terms of study.
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