Dedikace a předmluvy v českojazyčných tiscích druhé poloviny 16. století očima statistiky

Title in English Dedications and Prefaces in Czech-Language Prints of the second half of the 16th Century through the eyes of Statistics


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Bibliotheca Antiqua 2021
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Paratexts; dedication; preface; socio-cultural traces; statistics; 1547-1600
Description The paper summarises research results from 2007 to 2020.  Based on the Knihopis digital database we extracted 1806 bibliographic units, of which 765 contained introductory paratexts. In textual form, 619 bibliographic units were retrieved (corresponding to 81% of the total). Textual dedications are recorded for a total of 455 retrieved texts and 91 for those not yet researched. 350 bibliographic units contain a preface including 58 previously unexamined. Paratext concatenation is recorded for 171 units. Subsequently, we determined the social backgrounds of the dedicators and dedicants. In percentage terms, the largest proportion of dedicants is found among the nobility (71%) - 50% came from the lords, while the lower status (represented squires and knights) corresponds to 21% of dedications. The municipal clerks and townspeople account for 22%. Dedications to the king (5%). In terms of the dedicators, we have focused on the professional role he or she held in relation to the text at the time the dedication was written. Most are associated with authorship of the primary text (54%), followed by translator (25%), printer (12%) and editor (7%). For prefaces directed to readers, the editor (31%) dominates followed by the author of the primary text (26%), the translator (24%) and finally the printer (17%).
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