Analýza využití vybraných rusismů v současné češtině

Title in English Analysis of Selected Russianisms in Contemporary Czech


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Mladá rusistika – nové tendencie a trendy VII
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords contemporary Czech; russicisms; frequency analysis; ČNK
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Description The vocabulary of each language is constantly evolving, being enriched with new words, and old unused words, on the contrary, are disappearing. Also, the Czech language is gradually changing under the influence of contacts with other nations and languages. Russian had a significant impact on the Czech language in the past, introducing a new category of words into our vocabulary - so called Russisms. This article analyzes the frequency of selected Russisms and the ways they are used in Czech. The analysis is based on data from the Czech National Corpus, which allows us to get a better idea of the development of their usage over time.
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