Čas v buddhizme : majster Dógen a jeho esej Bytie-čas

Title in English Time in Buddhism : Zen master Dogen and his essay "Being-Time"


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Nový orient
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Abstrakty časopisu Nový orient 2/2020
Keywords Dogen; Treasury of the True Dharma Eye; Uji; Existence-Time; time and Buddhism
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Description Japanese Zen master Dogen ? ? (1200—1253), founder of the Soto Zen school, was one of the first Buddhist teachers in Japan to produce original philosophical texts in a collection called Treasury of the True Dharma Eye, Shobogenzo ?? ? ? in Japanese. Essays in this collection are, in addition to their timeless thought content, exceptional in that they were written in a combination of contemporary Japanese and Chinese, and not strictly in literary Chinese, as was the custom not only at the time but also for several centuries to come. The essay "Being-Time", the first Slovak translation of which, together with the accompanying explanation, is provided by the following study, is one of the most complicated, but also the most frequently studied and annotated texts by Dogen. In an effort to bring Dogen's words and ideas closer to contemporary reader, the present translation of the text is enriched with explanation of some Buddhist terms and concepts that illustrate the richness and depth of Dogen's Zen.
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