Brunšvické svědectví o české historiografii 13. věku

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Title in English Braunschweig Testimony of Czech Historiography of the 13th Century


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Časopis Matice moravské
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Braunschweig;Bohemia;narrative sources; the Secon Continuation of Cosmas;13th century;14th century
Description The study deals with the chronicle collection entitled Cronica Boemorum auct. canonico S. Blasii Brunsvicensis, which originated between 1292 and 1296, and the relationship of this work to narrative sources of Czech provenance of the 13th and 14th centuries. The compiler of this work, the canon of the chapter of St Blase in Braunschweig, used the chronicle of Cosmas and the works of his two continuators, whose narration he significantly reduced, but his work still contains certain passages and details over and above these models. The study attempts to prove that this shows the existence of an unpreserved original detailed version of the Second Continuation of Cosmas.
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