Die Erzählung Pan učitel von Božena Němcová zwischen Texten und Kontexten

Title in English Božena Němcová’s Story Pan učitel [Our Teacher] Amidst Texts and Contexts


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Brünner Beiträge zur Germanistik und Nordistik
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web https://www.phil.muni.cz/journals/index.php/bbgn
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.5817/BBGN2021-2-3
Keywords Božena Němcová; František Mošner; August Friedrich Liebelt; image of teachers in action; 1850s and 1860s journalism; Czech-German comparative relations; biedermeier; ideal realism
Description In this paper, I focus on the intertextual relations and contexts of Božena Němcová’s short ction “Pan učitel” [Our Teacher], especially in relation to František Mošner’s educational story “Pěstounka” [Foster-mother] (1851) and the piece of prose “Philosophie für die Ewigkeit. Skizze aus dem Leben eines Dorfschulmeisters” [Philosophy for Eternity] (1855) by A. F. Liebelt, a now forgotten German-language author. It is very likely that Němcová read the story in Album der Erinnerungen [Book of Memories] (1855). The Album belonged to the Prague magazine Erinnerungen, where Němcová published a part of Babička [Grandmother] in German.
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