Las redes de información del cardenal Francisco de Dietrichstein en el imperio español

Title in English The information networks of cardinal Francis of Dietrichstein within the Spanish empire

LUSKA Stanislav

Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Tiempos Modernos : Revista Electrónica de Historia Moderna
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Information networks; patronage; agents; František z Dietrichsteina; Franz von Dietrichstein
Description The article presents the ties of cardinal Francis of Dietrichstein with the Spanish empire, with a special focus on his information networks there. As one of the main protagonists of political life in the patrimonial lands of the Austrian Habsburgs in the first third of the seventeenth century, he took advantage of his link with the Hispanic monarchy to build within it his own network of agents who provided him service and news from all its corners. By analyzing their correspondence, the details of the operation of this system, its character and structure, will be deciphered. In order to clarify the bases of its construction, the origins of the dynastic service of the Dietrichstein family within the patronage system of the Spanish kings in the Holy Roman Empire will also be described.
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