Nikolaj Nikolajevič Ryžkov v českém prostředí

Title in English Nikolai Nikolayevich Ryzhkov in the Czech Context


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Konference mladých slavistů XV : Rusko a slovanský svět : staletí soužití a střetů
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Nikolai Nikolayevich Ryzhkov; Orthodoxy; Czech environment; Czech-Russian relations
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Description The paper examines the work of the Russian Orthodox priest Nikolai Nikolayevich Ryzhkov (1868–1920) in the Czech context at the beginning of the 20th century. His activity spanned over a number of fields. The main part of the study focuses on the society Pravoslavná beseda where Ryzhkov presided in 1909–1911, and on the contacts with a part of the Prague-based parish of the Old Catholic Church. A part of the study is also dedicated to the Church of St. Nicholas in Prague. The main aim of the paper is to point out Ryzhkov’s activity which left considerable mark in the Czech context.
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