The Circulation of Ancient Animal Resources Across the Yellow River Basin : A Preliminary Bayesian Re-evaluation of Sr Isotope Data From the Early Neolithic to the Western Zhou Dynasty


WANG Xueye ROBERTS Patrick TANG Zihua YANG Shiling STOROZUM Michael GROSS Marcus NEVES FERNANDES Luis Ricardo

Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

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Keywords strontium isotopes; isoscape; zooarchaeology; Yellow River Basin; animal mobility
Description Many questions still remain regarding the acquisition and circulation of ancient domesticated animals across the Yellow River Basin, one of the key areas for the development of complex societies in ancient China. Here, we re-evaluate previously published strontium isotope data (Sr-87/Sr-86, n = 167) from tooth enamel of domesticated animals at 10 archaeological sites in the Yellow River Basin to shed new light on the transition between the Neolithic (7000-5000 BCE) and the Western Zhou Dynasty (1046-771 BCE). The results show that from the Late Neolithic to the Western Zhou Dynasty, some domesticated animals, mostly cattle and sheep, were increasingly sourced from non-local areas. We employed Bayesian methods to define an isoscape of bioavailable Sr for the Yellow River Basin and to show the considerable diversity in the origins of non-local domesticated animals, some of which may have come from locations hundreds of kilometers away from the site as early as the Late Neolithic. The increasingly variable Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios of domesticated animals from the Neolithic to the Western Zhou Dynasty are consistent with that of associated human remains, and also match the archaeological and zooarchaeological evidence for increased circulation of animal products in the Yellow River Basin. Therefore, we infer that local economies increasingly incorporated non-local animals as part of wider circulation networks that emerged with the development of complex societies since the Late Neolithic.

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