Mezi slovem a obrazem : panegyrika a efemérní dekorace při oslavách kanonizace Františka Borgii u brněnských jezuitů

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Title in English Between word and image : panegyrics and ephemeral decorations during the celebrations of the canonization of Francis Borgia at the Brno Jesuits


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Opuscula historiae artium
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Society of Jesus; St Francis Borgia; canonization; ephemeral decoration; baroque homiletics; Jesuit Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Brno
Description The study analyses the iconographic programme of ephemeral decoration and the content of the introductory homily of the parish priest of St. James Jodocus (Jošt) Mannenbach on the occasion of the celebration of the canonization of the third general of the Society of Jesus, Francis Borgia, at the Brno Jesuits. The decoration for the occasion at the Jesuit Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary included rich sculptural and emblematic decoration, which, like the delivered homily, accentuated the virtues and exemplary piety of St Francis Borgia. A comprehensive analysis of the decoration of the church and Mannnenbach's sermon is complemented by an overview of the highly prestigious events of the entire solemn liturgical octave, in the form of processions of the religious fraternities with the active involvement of city representatives and the aristocracy.
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