Challenges of Financing the Cyber Security - Comparison of Czech and Swedish practice


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PALA Tadeáš

Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source ACTA STING
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Keywords Cybersecurity; DESI; NÚKIB; Comparison
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Description The goal of this paper is to assess important challenges of digitalization process. Czech state fails to incorporate both modern technology and useful legislation. Therefore, it lags in the introduction of modern trends especially in the field of cybersecurity. We have analyzed the DESI indicator to identify the state’s commitment to developing digitization in general. We used statistical data on financial investments in the NÚKIB (National and Cyber Information Security Agency), the administrative body in charge of cybersecurity. For comparison, we presented an example of good practice, which we consider to be Sweden ranking high in DESI.
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