Rokštejn castle, tourism in early modern times on medieval ruin



Year of publication 2022
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description After the siege and final demise of the Rokštejn castle in 1467, a new interesting non-living period of the castle’s existence began in the form of travelling. The visiting of the old castle to enjoy “pastime” activities, we can see many traces they left there, mainly pottery. The pottery finds show us the possibility of having romantic picnics, but also the darker side of littering by aristocratic tourists visiting the castle from 17th to the 19th century, as coin finds, and new radiocarbon data show us. After the breakpoint year in 1848, the political schema of the state was cancelled and the people became free citizens of the villages and towns, and they, too, could enjoy the travelling and tourism. This put the Castle ruins under great pressure of tourism by ordinary people, as well. Local chronicles mention a rustic dance floor and a bowling alley at the Castle, as a 19th century Romanticism pastime places. These Rokštejn pottery assemblages from this non-inhabited Castle period are represented by glazed pottery sherds or the pots, that were used as packaging for different types of snacks show that travelling in the form of tourism has been very common.
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