Antikoncepční atlas Evropy 2022: Kritické hodnocení situace v České republice

Title in English Contraception Policy Atlas Europe 2022: Critical assessment of the situation in the Czech Republic


Year of publication 2022
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Citation GREGUŠ, Jan. Antikoncepční atlas Evropy 2022: Kritické hodnocení situace v České republice (Contraception Policy Atlas Europe 2022: Critical assessment of the situation in the Czech Republic). In Sexuální a reprodukční zdraví a antikoncepce v České republice, Mikulov. 2022.
Description This presentation discusses Contraception Policy Atlas Europe, an online interactive map that scores 46 European countries in their access to contraceptive supplies, counselling and the provision of online information on contraception. The Czech Republic has been among the worse countries of the Atlas. In 2022, it occupied the 36th position in the Atlas. The presentation illustrates that the trend in European countries is to reimburse contraception within the national health systems, at least for young people until 19 (or 25) years and for vulnerable groups (unemployed, low-income). However, the Czech Republic has progressed in neither of these categories. The presentation argues for taking steps to remove financial and economic barriers so that all Czech women can access all types of contraception, including long-acting reversible contraception.
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