Baptisterium San Giovanni v Neapoli: mozaiky, rituály a lidská těla

Title in English Baptistery of San Giovanni in Naples: mosaics, rituals and human bodies


Year of publication 2022
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Taking the baptistery in Naples, an essential site for understanding the relationship between liturgy and images, as a starting point for discussion, this essay reflects on the way movable objects completed the ritual landscape of initiatory rites. Ivory tablets, pyxides, combs, and other objects are examined as tools designed to make baptism possible on a practical level. Likewise, however, their decorations became organic parts of the general initiatory lexicon. In this way, small objects and monumental images represented, as if in a kind of refrain, one and the same concepts which were essential to the rite of Christian initiation.
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