Instrumente für ein demokratisches Sprachenlernen

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Title in English Tools for a democratic Language Learning

KÁŇA Tomáš

Year of publication 2022
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The aim of this article is to show the range of possibilities open to German teachers and learners when they specifically search for various linguistic phenomena, when they want to check and expand information in textbooks or dictionaries, when they research whether formulations that seem familiar to them are actually frequently used, or are, for example, a regional variant or a sociolect. There are relatively reliable instruments for this kind of work with linguistic usage - the language corpora and corpus-like instruments that collect authentic, current language data and are thus independent of the regulators. Dealing with these instruments and interpreting the data they contain is not always easy. The article uses the SEAH and InterCorp corpora to show how these instruments are suitable for teaching German and how they can contribute to autonomous learning. Starting from a corpus-based and corpus-driven approach, easily accessible portals are presented that are suitable tools both for teaching and for simple, school-based language research. On the one hand, examples of inductive and deductive learning are suggested for the classroom and work with corpus-like and corpus-based tools is presented. These impulses are rounded off by a critique of the reliability and representativeness of common sources that we use as learners and teachers of German. On the other hand, it must be noted that corpora have already found their way into university teacher training and language (teaching and learning) research. In this context, the question of the representativeness of the corpus data and the limits of its use arises.
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