„Connections? The languages are very different.“ Advising sessions and plurilingual competences.


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Arts. It includes Faculty of Education. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.


Year of publication 2022
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description As the statement quoted in the title suggests, some of my students still consider learning various languages as separate processes and can hardly imagine making connections between e.g. learning English and learning Czech. Even if focus on developing students´plurilingual competence was envisioned by the new CEFR and should thus be incorporated in language teaching curricula, current students have not gained (much) experience with being encouraged to call upon their knowledge of a number of languages or to use their plurilingual repertoire in our educational context. The statement was recorded during an advising session in the English Autonomously course at Masaryk University. The advising sessions aim to support students in self-regulating their language learning, students are invited to reflect on their learning history, learning style and strategies and to assess their various skills and competences. Therefore, their experience with learning and using English as well as other languages is a highly relevant topic for the advising sessions. This presentation is based on an analysis of a series of language advising sessions that included such references to more, even „very different“ languages. It is observed how students reflect on their exposure to various languages and whether the advising sessions help them to uncover more potential for plurilingual practices. The presentation aims at sharing students‘ individual ways to engage their plurilingual competences when learning English.

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