Postoje žáků nižšího sekundárního vzdělávání k homosexualitě

Title in English Attitudes Towards Homosexuality Among Students in Lower-Secondary Education


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia Paedagogica
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords attitudes toward homosexuality; prejudice against homosexuals; heterosexism; lower secondary education; perception of homosexuality in schools
Description Attitudes of students toward people with non-heterosexual orientations have been a topic of many contemporary studies. This has been most commonly researched in the context of tertiary education, providing crucial results regarding the degree of negative attitudes toward homosexuality and uncovering many significant determinants for these attitudes. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the attitudes of lower-secondary students toward homosexuality. In the theoretical part, the historical context of homosexual prejudice is briefly summarized. The study also presents a short overview of multiple research studies conducted within different levels of education. In the empirical part, we present research in which we assessed the attitudes of 316 lower-secondary students toward homosexuality using Herek’s Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay Men (ATLG) scale. Even though the average results seem positive, we found that still more than 7 percent of students hold highly negative attitudes toward homosexuals. Statistical significance was confirmed for determinants including sex – male participants have significantly more negative attitudes toward homosexuals than female participants; type of homosexuality – male homosexuality is perceived significantly more negatively than female homosexuality; and type of school attended – grammar school students have more negative attitudes toward homosexuals than elementary school students.
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