Dynamics of Medieval Landscape. Cultural Shaping of the Enviroment



Year of publication 2022
Type Editing of thematic compilation, editing of monothematic issue of profesional journal
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Citation FOLETTI, Ivan, Martin LEŠÁK and Adrien PALLADINO. Dynamics of Medieval Landscape. Cultural Shaping of the Enviroment. In Convivium, IX, č. 1. Turnhout, Belgie: Brepols Publisher, 2022, 188 pp. ISSN 2336-3452.
Description Dedicating a thematic issue of Convivium to the topic of medieval landscape in 2022 appears almost natural. This is the case not only because of the particular infatuation of human sciences with the issue in recent years or because of the profound transformations in contemporary society’s relationship to the environment, not least in the wake of the pandemic and its various lockdowns. Human impact on ecosystems and the environment itself is of primary importance in the study of past and present cultures. It is indeed always in the tension between their environment and their own bodies that humans physically and mentally define themselves within the space that they inhabit. This is perhaps all the more accurate in premodern societies, where most were living – unlike today’s city dwellers – surrounded by and in constant relationship with nature. The title of the present volume, Dynamics of Medieval Landscape, wishes to evoke precisely this tension and the dynamics, understood here as a process in constant change, that characterize the attitude of premodern humans to what surrounds them.
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