Issledovanije massovogo goloda v "Blokadnoj knige" A. Adamoviča i D. Granina

Title in English The study of mass starvation in A Book of the Blockade by A. Adamovich and D. Granin


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Slavica Iuvenum XXIII. Sborník příspěvků z mezinárodní vědecké konference Slavica Iuvenum 2022. Ostrava 2022.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Slavica Iuvenum XXIII. Sborník příspěvků z mezinárodní vědecké konference Slavica Iuvenum 2022
Keywords Adamovich; Granin; A Book of the Blockade; starvation
Description Ales Adamovich and Daniil Granin set a goal to give a voice to people who survived the terrible tragedy - the blockade of Leningrad. This paper examines the depiction of mass starvation in two parts of A Book of the Blockade.Various aspects of the image of famine in the book are considered: death, psychological deviations and physical changes, eating inedible things and pets, and much more. The image of mass starvationin the diaries of people who were in the siege of Leningrad is also analyzed. Adamovich and Granin succeeded in recreating the atmosphere of terrible hunger, despair, meanness and, at the same time, heroism and mutual assistance among Leningraders.
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