"Konverze města" : Jihlava a přijetí luterství v roce 1562 ve světle městské kroniky

Title in English The "Conversion of a Town" : Jihlava and the Acceptance of Lutheranism in the Year 1562 in the Words of the Town Chronicle


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Historica Olomucensia, Sborník prací historických
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Jihlava; Lutheranism; Augsburg Confession; the Reformation; Confessionalization
Description The contribution is focused on the Moravian royal town of Jihlava and its "conversion" to Lutheranism: a theological gathering took place in the year 1562 where representatives of the town along with members of the clergy declared their acceptance of the Augsburg Confession. The only sources which refers to the event is the chronicle of the town scribe Martin Leupold of Löwenthal. The contribution is concerned with the content of the meeting and the protagonists of the theological gathering and also the approach the chronicler took.
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