Nové poznatky o severokarpatskej skupine na Liptove a Orave

Title in English New knowledge about the Northcarpathian group in Liptov and Orava regions


Year of publication 2022
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The requested lecture "New knowledge about the North Carpathian group in Liptov and Orava" contained the results of project no. MUNI/A/0998/2021 (Specific Research project), from which radiocarbon and archaeobotanical analyzes were financed. They brought the first ever archeo-environmental data about the settlements of the North Carpathian group from the territory of Slovakia. The results were placed in the context of the overall settlement of Liptov and Orava in this period and a detailed analysis of all highland sites from this period. The lecture took place on November 22, 2022 in Krakow - Polska Akademia Umiejętności - organization Komisja prehistorii Karpat. In addition to the aforementioned contribution, the other lecture was carried out Prof. R. Madyda Legutko and dr. K. Tunia about the cultural phenomenon of the North Carpathian group on the Polish side of the Carpathians, which led to a intereting discussion.
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