Podoba starší zástavby vsi Sedliště nejen na příkladu domkářské usedlosti čp. 1 : K problematice zkoumání lidového domu

Title in English The form of the older development of the village of Sedliště not only on the example of the homestead No. 1 : On the issue of examining the vernacular architecture


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Muzeum vivum : Časopis českých muzeí v přírodě
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web plná verze výsledku
Keywords vernacular architecture; monument care; timbered building; methodology; Frýdek-Místek district
Description This article deals with the character of the older housing development of Sedliště village (Frýdek-Místek district), which has only survived to the present day in part. The appearance of primarily timbered residential buildings, many of which have already disappeared, is presented on the basis of a study of archival sources and the results of research through folk architecture carried out in the Sedliště area by ethnographers, architects and conservationists. Our main focus is given to one of the preserved material documents of timbered house No. 1 from the older housing development in Sedliště. The evaluation of the archival, field and dendrochronological survey outlined the historical and construction development of the mentioned homestead from the second half of the 18th to the second half of the 20th century. The very examination of house No. 1 forced us to revisit some old questions and formulate new ones directly related to the construction of rural housing developments. These can be answered satisfactorily if research is continued.
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