Četbou proti ageismu : kniha jako prostředek při změně postojů dětí vůči stáří

Title in English Reading as a Tool Against Ageism : a Book as a Means For Changing Children’s Attitudes Towards Old Age


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Gramotnost, pregramotnost a vzdělávání
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web https://pages.pedf.cuni.cz/gramotnost/files/2022/07/Gramotnost_01_2022_Schottl.pdf
Keywords book; reading; fiction; empathy; altruism; attitudes; prejudices; ageism; old age
Description In this text we discuss the question whether reading selected children’s literature can have an infl uence on children in terms of their attitude, reduction of negative prejudice and stereotypical perception in the fi eld of important social issues (ageism as an example) and whether the infl uence of a book can lead all the way to altruism. This study systematically accompanies processes and phenomena during reading, gradually focusing on children’s readers and literature for children and youth. Ageism has been purposely chosen due to its more and more highly-debated character in the current era, as well as an interesting research matter which fi gures as a follow-up to this study within the dissertation. The author bases the presentation of individual topics, their analysis and conclusion drawings mainly on the results published abroad. The results suggest that working with the literature has a positive effect on attitudes towards old age. A number of factors depend on the success of this process, the most important factor being the age and characteristics of the literary (main) hero.
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