Präpositionale Kollokationen Deutsch-Tschechisch : Eine vergleichende korpusbasierte Analyse mit Fokus auf Präposition-Nomen-Verbindungen

Title in English Prepositional Collocations German-Czech : A Comparative Corpus-Based Analysis with Focus on Preposition-Noun Collocations


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Palimpsest
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Collocation; prepositional collocation; preposition-noun-collocation; corpus-based analysis; German-Czech
Description Usual word combinations or collocations are an essential part of every language and are part of everyday communication specific to a single language. They are automatically recalled from memory as fixed concepts when speaking or writing. However, they cause difficulties for non-native speakers or L2 learners because they are conditioned by several aspects. The paper focuses on possibilities of corpus-based analysis of such units. Particular attention is paid here to those word combinations which are realised with the inclusion of prepositions, specifically preposition-noun collocations with a recursive zero article in the PREPCON project.
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