Denisa Vídeňská: Malí aristokraté. Život ve šlechtické rodině v 19. století očima dítěte. Pardubice, Univerzita Pardubice 2021, 264 s., ISBN 978-80-7560-367-8

Title in English Denisa Vídeňská: Little aristocrats. Life in an aristocratic family in the 19th century through the eyes of a child. Pardubice, Univerzita Pardubice 2021, 264 s., ISBN 978-80-7560-367-8


Year of publication 2022
Type Review
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Reviewed book "Little aristocrats. Life in an aristocratic family in the 19th century through the eyes of a child" by Denisa Vídeňská.
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