Tema činovnič’jego mira v rasskaze Je. N. Čirikova „Kapituljacija“

Title in English The theme of the world of officials in J. N. Chirikov's short story "Capitulation"


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference XXXVII Zonal’naja konferencija literaturovedov Povolž’ja. Učebnoje posobije po materialam Meždunarodnoj naučno-praktičeskoj konferencii Samara, 3–5 ijulja 2021 g. Tekstovoje elektronnoje izdanije
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Y. N. Chirikov; short story; theme; official; capitulation
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Description The paper analyses the short story Je. N. Chirikov as evidence of the writer's excellent knowledge of the official environment and the psychology of the Russian official at the beginning of the 20th century. It points out the inability of an individual to overcome the stale stereotype of the authoritarian and bureaucratic apparatus and its influence on the main character's actions.
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