Teaching in a multilingual school: Introduction to the theoretical background and practical applications

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This publication doesn't include Faculty of Arts. It includes Faculty of Education. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.

JANÍK Miroslav

Year of publication 2022
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The workshop will introduce the central aspects of teaching in a multilingual school. The aim of the workshop is to introduce ways of designing professional practice that is open to the language(s) of the students bring to school. In the workshop, current discourses, and concepts on migration-oriented multilingualism in school education will thematized and the methods and principles such as language sensitive teaching (e.g. Gogolin et al., 2003), translanguaging (García & Kleifgen, 2020), Linguistic appropriate practice (Chumak- Horbatsch, 2019), etc. will be discussed. In the practical part of the workshop, the focus will be laid on practical examples (available online from open sources) from both nature sciences and humanities, mostly on lower secondary level.
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