Kánon světové literatury, světová literatura a světové literatury jako hodnotový diktát, syntéza nebo nástroj unifikace?

Title in English The Canon of World Literature, World Literature, and World Literatures as an Axiological Dictate, Synthesis, or a Tool of Unification?


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Web https://www.phil.muni.cz/journal/proudy/filologie/studie/2022/2/pospisil_kanon_svetove_literatury.php#articleBegin
Keywords Canon of world literature; world literature; world literatures; related literatures; general literature; the national and the supranational; biliterariness; polyliterariness
Description The author of the present study analyzes various conceptions of the notions „canon of world literature“, world literature and world literatures in relation to the contemporary state of discussions. Their two examples – Bloom’s and Suchich’s books – demonstrate the complicated field for scholarly debates due to the shifts of emphasis in relation to the former dominant position of Euro-American Atlantic civilizational and cultural tradition. The author shows the pioneering effect of Dionýz Ďurišin’s research team concepts anticipating all that was mentioned in several publications much later. As a conclusion, it is necessary to add several spheres for further debates: except for the canon of world literature, world literature as such and world literatures there are the canon of national literatures, the canon of supranational literary entities, such as the Balkans, Central Europe, East-Central Europe, Scandinavia, area and related literatures, such as the Slavonic ones, cancel culture, interventions of ideologies and nationalisms into the criteria of the world literature canon, the question of identity of single authors and their works, biliterariness and polyliterariness, there are the subjects still more and more speculative and conflicting which might become a tool od intolerance and indoctrination. To which extent they play a role of axiological dictate, synthesis or a tool of unification is also associated with the responsibility of literary scholars and comparatists, if it corresponds to their social position.
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