Identifikace dětských čtenářů s vybranými literárními postavami titulu Karla Maye Vinnetou


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Title in English Identification of children‘s readers with selected literary characters of Winnetou by Karl May

JINDRA Miroslav

Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source O dieťati, jazyku, literatúre. Časopis pre otázky rozvíjania komunikačnej a literárnej kompetencie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords identification; reception; children’s reader; literary character; Karl May; Winnetou
Description Identification of literary characters with the reader is one of the basic aspects in the process of reception of a literary work, but not the only one. The portrayal of figures, their characteristics, behavior, or general function in the read artistic text plays a significant role in the overall acceptance and identification with the literary work. The age specifics of the readers, their life experiences, gender definition, etc., also play an important role. The paper offers a look at the specifics of the reception and identification of children in the third grade of elementary school (8-9 years old) with emphasis on selected literary characters of the chosen book title by Karl May “Winnetou”. It is based on research data obtained during reading hours and group discussions, which has become one of the initial research methods of the qualitative strategy. The research results are based on a more extensive study of the dissertation project, thematically focused on the more general issue of identifying children of a younger age with a literary work and a theatre performance.
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