La mort de Catherine Mavrikakis

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Title in English Death by Catherine Mavrikakis


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference La Mort, Actes de la XXIXe Université française de l'Association Jan Hus
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

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Keywords Quebec Novel; Catherine Mavrikakis; imaginary of death; scenography
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Description From her first novel Deuils cannibales et mélancoliques (2000), Catherine Mavrikakis has been involved with the theme of death. Observed, exalted, metaphorized, often as a baroque glorification of life a contrario, death unfolds throughout her work whether it is Fleurs de crachat (2005), Le Ciel de Bay City (2008), Omaha Beach (2008), Les Derniers jours de Smokey Nelson (2011), her dystopian novel Oscar de Profundis (2016) or spy novel L'Annexe (2019). It is also present in her autofictional stories or family fictions La Ballade d’Ali Baba (2014), Ce qui restera (2017) and L’Absente de tous bouquets (2020). The contribution will attempt to identify the imaginary of death, including the modalities of its scenography and rhetoric.
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