„Chci to studovat víc a chci to dělat dobře“: vnímání profese studenty a studentkami psychologie během pandemie COVID-19

Title in English “I want to study it more and I want to do it well”: psychology students‘ perceptions of the profession during the covid-19 pandemic


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Diskuze v psychologii
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web https://diskuzevpsychologii.upol.cz/artkey/dps-202102-0004_chci-to-studovat-vic-a-chci-to-delat-dobre-vnimani-profese-studenty-a-studentkami-psychologie-behem-pandemie.php
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.5507/dvp.2022.003
Keywords psychology students; COVID-19 pandemic; perceptions of psychology; mental health
Description The main objective of this multiple case study was to investigate how psychology students at the Faculty of Arts of MUNI talk about possible changes in their perception of psychology, motivation to study, and self-actualisation in the field as a result of the coronavirus crisis. Six interviews conducted with psychology students were subjected to thematic analysis. Our results suggest that the effects of the coronavirus crisis on the study motivation and the perception of psychology among the respondents and in society are, with a few exceptions, perceived as primarily positive. The perception of the psychology profession's importance and students' motivation to study has been strengthened. That was mainly due to society's increased mental health problems during the pandemic and the associated thematisation of mental health in societal discourse.

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