Morálny distres u učiteľov Teach for Slovakia

Title in English Moral distress among teachers within the Teach for Slovakia programme


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords moral distress, interpretative phenomenological analysis, Teach for Slovakia
Description The aim of this research is to explore morally difficult situations, in which the participants of the Teach for Slovakia programme may experience moral distress and to grasp how they process these lived experiences. Participants of this programme have not necessarily graduated as teachers, but they enter the teaching profession for the 2 years time with everything it entails. Data were gathered through semi-structured interviews with 6 participants of the programme who are currently involved as teachers. By using the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, 7 themes, which describe the lived experiences of moral distress among the research cohort, were identified.
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