Sulla a jeho augurát

Title in English Sulla and his augurate

HABAJ Michal

Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia Historica Nitriensia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Roman Republic; Sulla; augurate; propaganda; reconsideration of sources
Description The study deals with Sulla’s place in the augural collegium. Sulla’s priesthood in this college is generally accepted by the authors, but there are also doubts. An essentially completely unresolved question remains regarding the dating of his office. The author of the study re-evaluates the source material and arguments in the research, mainly the report of Suetonius, the interpretation of the coin RRC 359, the coin of Sulla’s grandson Q. Pompeius Rufus RRC 434/2 and Appianus. The author brings his own solutions and evaluations, he also propones his own conclusions.
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